Wong, A.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Borkar, A.; Popping, G.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Poidevin, F.; Stoehr, F.; Messias, H.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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The Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) is the world's most advanced radio interferometric facility, producing science data with an average rate of about 1 TB per day. After a process of calibration, imaging and quality assurance, the scientific data are stored in the ALMA Science Archive (ASA), along with the corresponding raw data, making the ASA an invaluable resource for original astronomical research. Due to their complexity, each ALMA data set has the potential for scientific results that go well beyond the ideas behind the original proposal that led to each observation. For this reason, the European ALMA Regional Centre initiated the High-Level Data Products initiative to develop science-oriented data products derived from data sets publicly available in the ASA, that go beyond the formal ALMA deliverables. The first instance of this initiative is the creation of a catalogue of submillimetre (submm) detections of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars from the SDSS Data Release 14 that lie in the aggregate ALMA footprint observed since ALMA Cycle 0. The ALMA fluxes are extracted in an automatic fashion, using the ALMA Data Mining Toolkit. All extractions above a signal-to-noise cut of 3.5 are considered, they have been visually inspected and the reliable detections are presented in a catalogue of 376 entries, corresponding to 275 unique quasars. Interesting targets found in the process, i.e. lensed or jetted quasars as well as quasars with nearby submm counterparts are highlighted, to facilitate further studies or potential follow up observations.
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