Carrera, R.; Pancino, E.; Gallart, C.; del Pino, A.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 434, Issue 2, p.1681-1691
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Refereed citations
We extend our previous calibration of the infrared Ca II triplet (CaT)
as a metallicity indicator to the metal-poor regime by including
observations of 55 field stars with [Fe/H] down to -4.0 dex. While we
previously solved the saturation at high metallicity using a combination
of a Lorentzian and a Gaussian to reproduce the line profiles, in this
paper we address the non-linearity at low metallicity following the
suggestion of Starkenburg et al. of adding two non-linear terms to the
relation among the [Fe/H], luminosity and strength of the calcium
triplet lines. Our calibration thus extends from -4.0 to +0.5 in
metallicity and is presented using four different luminosity indicators:
V - VHB, MV, MI and MK. The
calibration obtained in this paper results in a tight correlation
between [Fe/H] abundances measured from high-resolution spectra and
[Fe/H] values derived from the CaT, over the whole metallicity range
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