Fu, Sal Wanying; Simon, Joshua D.; Shetrone, Matthew; Bovy, Jo; Beers, Timothy C.; Fernández-Trincado, J. G.; Placco, Vinicius M.; Zamora, Olga; Allende Prieto, Carlos; García-Hernández, D. A.; Harding, Paul; Ivans, Inese; Lane, Richard; Nitschelm, Christian; Roman-Lopes, Alexandre; Sobeck, Jennifer
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 866, Issue 1, article id. 42, 14 pp. (2018).
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Refereed citations
We present a search for new members of the 300 km s‑1
stream (300S) near the dwarf galaxy Segue 1 using wide-field survey
data. We identify 11 previously unknown bright stream members in the
APOGEE-2 and SEGUE-1 and 2 spectroscopic surveys. Based on the spatial
distribution of the high-velocity stars, we confirm for the first time
that this kinematic structure is associated with a 24°-long stream
seen in SDSS and Pan-STARRS imaging data. The 300S stars display a
metallicity range of ‑2.17 < [Fe/H] <‑1.24, with an
intrinsic dispersion of {0.21}-0.09+0.12 dex. They
also have chemical abundance patterns similar to those of Local Group
dwarf galaxies, as well as that of the Milky Way halo. Using the
open-source code galpy to model the orbit of the stream, we find that
the progenitor of the stream passed perigalacticon about 70 Myr ago,
with a closest approach to the Galactic center of about 4.1 kpc. Using
Pan-STARRS DR1 data, we obtain an integrated stream luminosity of 4
× 103 L ⊙. We conclude that the
progenitor of the stream was a dwarf galaxy that is probably similar to
the satellites that were accreted to build the present-day Milky Way
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