The search for life in the universe has been driven by recent discoveries of planets around other stars (known as exoplanets), becoming one of the most active...
Exploring a new definition of the green valley and its implications
Galaxy formation remains one of the major open problems in astrophysics today. There is a wide range of mechanisms that control the transformation of gas into...
Extreme magnification of a distant star by a galaxy-cluster lens
Galaxy-cluster gravitational lenses can magnify background galaxies by a total factor of up to ~50. Here we report an image of an individual star at redshift z ...
Fast and furious: detection of powerful winds driven by a supermassive black hole from La Palma
This is the first publication based entirely on data obtained with EMIR, an instrument developed in the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) which...
During the month of February, women researchers of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) will take part in lectures, workshops and debates to publicize...
The Euclid Consortium announces the publication of its first papers, demonstrating the space mission's ability to search for wandering planets, study the dark...
First observations of the Canary Islands satellite ALISIO-1 from space
The first satellite developed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias,, which was launched into space last December, has sent back its first images. The...
The first test images from its two instruments show its potential for achieving its scientific goals. These images will be used to check the instruments and to...