Formation and Evolution of Galaxies: Observations in Infrared and other Wavelengths
This IAC research group carries out several extragalactic projects in different spectral ranges, using space as well as ground-based telescopes, to study the...
Free access to the largest catalogue of objects observed by Grantecan
The Centre for Astrobiology (CAB, CSIC-INTA), via the Spanish Virtual Observatory, is offering the scientific community and the general public a catalogue of...
The area of technological and business collaboration of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, ICTec organized a meeting for discussion about the transfer of...
Fullerenes discovered in a star formation region in Perseus
A study carried out by IAC researcher Susana Iglesias-Groth has detected molecules of pure carbon in one of the nearest star formation regions to the Solar...
Fullerenes in the IC 348 star cluster of the Perseus molecular cloud
We present the detection of fullerenes C 60 and C 70 in the star-forming region IC 348 of the Perseus molecular cloud. Mid-IR vibrational transitions of C 60...
Jairo Méndez Abreu and Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres, researchers at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), have discovered a peanut-shaped structure in...
An international team of astronomers led by Giuseppina Battaglia, researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), finds signs that the outer halo...
Galaxies in the universe can be located in different environments, some of them are isolated or in low density regions and they are usually called field...