
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2021. JOSÉ Mª ARROYO POLONIO
    The purpose of the grants is to train doctors by financing employment contracts, under the modality of the pre-doctoral contract, in order for researchers in training to carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project funded by grants for proyectos de I+D. of the State Subprogram of Knowledge Generation within the framework of the
    Ruiz Cobo
    In force date
    In force
  • Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2021. ÁNGELA Mª ARRIERO LÓPEZ
    The purpose of the grants is to train doctors by financing employment contracts, under the modality of the pre-doctoral contract, in order for researchers in training to carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project funded by grants for proyectos de I+D. of the State Subprogram of Knowledge Generation within the framework of the
    Ruiz Cobo
    In force date
    In force
  • The structure and evolution of galaxies and their outskirts
    We propose to study the evolution of galaxies through detailed analysis of observational data obtained with the most modern ground- and space-based telescopes. We will concentrate on two related important open questions in modern astrophysical research: how can deep imaging of large samples of galaxies uncover solutions to reported inconsistencies
    Johan Hendrik
    Knapen Koelstra
    In force date
    In force
  • Participation of IAC in the AMS experiment
    AMS-02 (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) is a multi-purpose particle physics detector that was deployed in the International Space Station (ISS) on May 19, 2011. The experiment was designed to measure the flux of cosmic rays with unprecedented precision, which allows to study the origin and propagation of cosmic rays in the Milky Way. The main
    Mónica Luisa
    Vázquez Acosta
    In force date
    In force
  • Mapping dark sectors at the cross-roads of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Physics
    The elusive nature of dark matter (DM), which constitutes roughly 80% of the universe's matter, is a major challenge in modern physics. Theoretical models suggest that dark matter could be composed of light (sub-GeV) particles that interact weakly with the Standard Model of particle physics. The DarkMaps proposal focuses on exploring the
    Martín Camalich
    In force date
    In force
  • The Baryonic Cycle and its Stellar populations
    B-CycleS is born as an ambitious long-term research program that aims to provide a comprehensive picture for the formation and evolution of galaxies by studying the interplay between their two basic constituents: baryons and dark matter. B-CycleS is rooted in the detailed analysis of the stellar population properties of galaxies and equipped with
    Martín Navarro
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    In force