Severo Ochoa Programme

Research News

  • NGC 4993 galaxy and position of GW170817, two merging neutron stars. Credti: Hubble Space Telescope.
    The IAC has participated in the detection of the counterpart, in the visible, the infrared and X-rays, of the source of gravitational waves GW170817 (neutron stars merging). The results are being published in the journals Nature and Astrophysical Journal. This is the first time that the electromagnetic counterpart of a gravitational wave event has been detected, which has been announced this morning in pressconferences organized by the research groups involved, among them the Universidad de las Illes Balears and the Universidad de Valencia, along with large part of the astrophysic and
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  • Concepción artística de Gliese 581, una de las estrellas de la muestra, y su planeta, Gliese 581c. Fuente: ESO.
    Este instrumento, en el que el IAC participa en su diseño y construcción, así como en el grupo científico, ha estudiado una muestra de trescientas estrellas en busca de planetas similares a la Tierra, demostrando su perfecto funcionamiento.
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  • Discovery of a super-Earth near to the habitable zone of a cool star
    An international team led by researchers from the IAC, using the radial velocity method, have discovered a possibly rocky planet at the edge of the habitable zone of a red dwarf star. Only a few dozen planets of this kind are known and its detection was made possible with the HARPS-N spectrograph on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma.
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