
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Nominative grant to the Four Large Size Telescope (LST) of the North CTA in the ORM
    The operation contemplated by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC), as an applicant entity, is part of the Spanish participation in the great scientific infrastructure called CTA ("Cherenkov Telescope Array" or Cherenkov Telescope Network). This project, which originated almost a decade ago, is participated by the entire
    García López
    In force date
    Not in force
  • The structure and evolution of galaxies and their central regions
    We propose to study the evolution of galaxies through detailed analysis of observational data obtained with the most modern ground- and space-based telescopes. We will concentrate on two related important open questions in modern astrophysical research: how do galaxies evolve over their lifetimes, possibly changing their appearance and
    Johan Hendrik
    Knapen Koelstra
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Space solar physics
    Four are the main objectives of this coordinated project, which are nevertheless synergistically related to one another. First, we must contribute to the tests until launch (February 2020) of SO/PHI aboard Solar Orbiter, and commission of the instrument for the three first years of flight (cruise phase of the mission), before the scientific
    Ruiz Cobo
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Uncovering the exoplanetary zoo in our Galaxy
    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a NASA mission that started scientific operations in July 2018. Over two years it will cover the entire sky, searching for planetary transits in stars with magnitudes brighter than 14. Data covering the first 3 weeks of the mission were released in September 2018, and within days a super-earth
    Pallé Bago
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Aid for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors
    Grants for the training of doctors in Severo Ochoa Research Centers and Centers of Excellence
    González Martínez-Pais
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Program Stellar Variability with Rubin-LSST
    Rubin-LSST will provide an unprecedented combination of time coverage, 6-bands photometric depth and spatial extension for a variety of environments. In particular, crowded stellar fields (the Galactic Plane and Bulge, Galactic Globular Clusters, the Magellanic Clouds) will be of particular interest for a relevant part of the Community that
    In force date
    Not in force