
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Grants Ramón y Cajal: Call 2016
    Contract Ramón y Cajal to develop his research work in the specific research project "Weak decays of hadrons as laboratories of New Physics and QCD".
    Martín Camalich
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Nominative grant to the COSMOLAB 2022 project
    The aim of this project is to help the educational community of Tenerife to identify the scientific culture and the sky of the Canary Islands as part of their own heritage. To the end, we propose the appropiate training and motivation of the teaching staff, the use of suitable material to carry out observations, as well as the use of the scientific
    Alfredo Rafael
    Rosenberg González
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Chromospheric magnetic fields in flares and their evolution CHLARE
    The Sun is well known for its magnetic activity, including periodic flares that rise from its surface when magnetic field lines tangle, cross or reorganise near sunspots. Flares send streams of charged particles into space. If they are directed towards Earth, these particles can disrupt satellites or cause colourful auroral displays. The EU-funded
    Christoph Alexander
    In force date
    Not in force
  • National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC
    The project addresses the development of solutions for High Performance Computing (HPC) supporting the adoption of applications with industrial and societal relevance for Europe on evolving HPC hardware and system software/programming environments. IAC coordinates Task 6 (Facilitation of access to scientific and technical expertise and knowledge
    Allende Prieto
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Grants Ramón y Cajal: Call 2016
    Contract Ramón y Cajal to develop its research work in the specific research project "Solar and Stellar Magnetism through Spectro-Polarimetry"
    María Jesús
    Martínez González
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Agreement between the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the IAC: INfraestructuras científico-técnicas y Servicios Institucionales para el Desarrollo Estratégico de los Observatorios de Canarias (INSIDE-OOCC, ICTS-2019-03-IAC-12) FEDER co-financing
    The operation contemplated here includes 11 sub-actions grouped in 4 main actions with high priority in the current Strategic Plan of the Observatorios de Canarias. The total eligible budget amounts to 8,139,000.00 € of which 85% are with FEDER funds. This operation is part of the IAC´s commitment to consolidate the Canary Islands Observatories as
    In force date
    Not in force