
Technical facilities

The IAC has the infrastructures and the scientific and technical equipment necessary to carry out its technological support activities, both for the own projects of astrophysical instrumentation, as well as for external collaborations in R&D

  • Spherometer HOFBAUER
    Spherometer HOFBAUER

    El Esferómetro es un instrumento de precisión para medir radios de curvas en superficies esféricas convexas y cóncavas, como lentes, pares de vidrios de prueba, espejos, etc. Cuenta con una pantalla digital de los valores medidos y un software apropiado para la medición precisa de los radios de las curvas de las superficies. Dentro del tubo del

    José Luís
    Rasilla Piñeiro
  • Partial view of the technical drawing workshop with a technician working in front of a desktop computer
    Technical Drawing Workshop

    In the Technical Drawing Workshop the mechanical fabrication drawings are produced

  • General view of several test cryostats in a laboratory cabinet. Shelves of a cabinet with different metal cylinders fitted with windows and connectors
    Test cryostats

    Open-cycle, closed loop and hybrid multi-purpose test cryostats.

  • View of the Vector network analyser. Electronic device with a keyboard, buttons and a graphics screen
    Vector network analyser

    The Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) provides a complete electromagnetic analysis of a microwave circuit, through the measurement of the S parameters

  • View of one of the components of the vibration measurement and analysis equipment. Medium-sized device on a table whose front face has 8 blocks of indicators and buttons
    Vibration measurement and analysis equipment

    The purpose of this equipment is the measurement and analysis of mechanical vibrations

  • View of the Wavescope wave front sensor in the laboratory. Medium-sized appliance on an optical table with holes, in the front of which has an entrance for light covered with a lid
    Wavefront sensors

    Devices for measuring the aberrations of an optical wavefront.