
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Cosmology at all redshifts: Exploitation and preparatory work for J-PLUS, J-PAS, QUIJOTE, and LiteBIRD
    The proposed research is organized around two different fronts of activity: (1) Preparatory and exploratory work towards the study of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) as sampled by ongoing and future surveys like J-PLUS, J-PAS, Euclid and SKA, and (2) analysis of secondary anisotropies in the microwave maps of QUIJOTE, together with preparatory work
    Hernández Monteagudo
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    In force
  • Temporal Evolution of the Milky-way Properties from an Observational and theoretical Sinergy (GA 101066193)

    Understanding how galaxies form and evolve in the Universe is a key, long-term goal of Astrophysics. In this regard, our Galaxy provides unique insights because, due to its proximity, detailed galactic properties can be resolved that can unravel its formation history. For this reason, the international community and in particular European countries
    María Alejandra
    Martín Gálvez
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    In force
  • Cosmological tests and study of the innermost regions of quasars from observations of gravitational lenses
    Gravitational lenses are a powerful tool for Astrophysics and Cosmology. We will combine the experience of our group in theory and observation of gravitational lenses with the aim to reach the following goals: (i) estimate the dark matter content of the Universe (in particular in primordial black holes). (ii) probe CDM models from the effects of
    Mediavilla Gradolph
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    In force
  • Hydrated minerals and organic compounds in primitive asteroids
    This project aims to continue our research on small bodies of the Solar System that started with two projects funded in previous calls: Science with OSIRIS-REx, led by J. Licandro(AYA201567772-R) and Primitive Asteroids Spectroscopic Study: Exploitation of data from Gaia and JWST led by J. de Léon (AYA2017-89090-P). The broad scientific objective
    Javier Andrés
    Licandro Goldaracena
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    In force
  • The Multiple Early Channels of EvolutioN of mAssive Stars
    Massive stars are those with more than ~8 solar masses, the limit above which stars may undergo a core collapse supernova (SN) explosion at the end of its life. They have played a critical role in how the Universe has evolved and to understand this role we need to know the physics ruling them and the evolutionary paths they follow. In the last
    Herrero Davo
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    In force
  • Numerical invetigation of the environment and evolution of galaxies
    Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation have increasingly become instrumental tools in advancing our understanding of structure formation in the Universe. Such simulations follow the nonlinear evolution of galaxies by modelling the essential physical processes involved in galaxy formation over a huge range of temporal and spatial scales
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    In force