
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Juan de la Cierva 2020 Ilaria Carleo Training
    The objective of the Juan de la Cierva-training grants is to promote the hiring of work by research organizations or centros i+D españoles other than those in which they carried out their pre-doctoral training. The aids whose annual amount is 26,300 euros, are used to co-finance the salary and the business contribution of Social Security of the
    In force date
    In force
  • JUAN DE LA CIERVA 2021 Donaji Esparza Arredondo Training
    The objective of the Juan de la Cierva-formacion grants is to promote the hiring of people with a doctorate degree by research organizations in Spain for a period of two years in order to strengthen the skills acquired during a first stage of postdoctoral training in a different center from the one where they completed their PhD. The annual amount
    Ramos Almeida
    In force date
    In force
  • JUAN DE LA CIERVA 2020 Anelise Audibert Training
    The objective of the Juan de la Cierva-training grants is to promote the hiring of work by research organizations or Spanish i+D centers other than those in which they carried out their pre-doctoral training. The aids whose annual amount is 26,300 euros, are used to co-finance the salary and the business contribution of Social Security of the
    In force date
    In force
    The aim of NanoSpace is to determine the abundance, formation mechanisms and astrochemical role of carbonaceous nanoparticles in space. Carbon is ubiquitous in space; from small carbon and hydrocarbon molecules to fullerenes and large but currently unidentified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbonaceous dust particles and ultimately life. The
    Domingo Aníbal García Hernández
    In force date
    In force
  • Precision cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background: QUIJOTE and other microwave experiments at the Teide Observatory, and
    The main goals of this project are to cover, during the period 2020-2022, the scientific exploitation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments in which the IAC cosmology group is involved (QUIJOTE, TMS, KISS, GroundBIRD and LSPE-STRIP), and contribute to the preparation for the scientific exploitation of the future LiteBIRD mission, to
    José Alberto
    Rubiño Martín
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Nominative grant for the execution of the COSMOLAB 2023 project
    Alfredo Rafael
    Rosenberg González
    In force date
    Not in force