
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • RR Lyrae stars, a lighthouse to the distant Universe and the early evolution of galaxies
    The general objective of this project is to exploit the potential of the Gaia mission, combined with the database built by our team in the last years, to bring substantial improvement in the determination of stellar distances and the early evolution of the LG galaxies. We will combine high resolution spectroscopy, optical and NIR photometric time
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Thick discs, relics of the infancy of galaxies
    Galaxy discs are made of two components, the thin and the thick disc. Thick discs contain up to 50% of the baryonic mass of a galaxy. Because their stars are among the oldest in the Universe, thick discs are relics of the infancy of galaxies. Thus, understanding the origin of thick discs is key to unveil how galaxies themselves form, which in turn
    Comerón Limbourg
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Scientific explotation of the new ESPRESSO, NIRPS and Horus spectrographs for the study of exoplanets and the most primitive stars of the Milky Way
    High-resolution, high-stability spectroscopy is crucial for the precise determination of radial velocities and the detailed chemical analysis of stars in different contexts of the Galaxy. The ESPRESSO and HORuS spectrographs, in operation on the VLT and GTC telescopes since mid-2018, are already contributing significantly to our knowledge of
    Jonay Isai
    González Hernández
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Nominative grant for the execution of the COSMOLAB 2023 project
    Alfredo Rafael
    Rosenberg González
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    Not in force
  • The central PARSEC of galaxies, Adaptive Optics instrumentation development
    PARSEC is a multiwavelength investigation of the centre of the nearest galaxies at parsecs scale. It studies the brightest mv <19 mag, and nearest up to ~ 20 Mpc galaxies which allow a sampling of a few parsecs in the nuclear region. All PARSEC galaxies host an AGN of different activity level, spanning 7 order of magnitude in Eddington luminosity
    Prieto Escudero
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    Not in force
  • Complex Organic Species in the JWST era
    COSJWST is an ambitious multidisciplinary project to study complex organic species (e.g., fullerene and graphene species and their derivatives, among others) in the imminent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) era. COSJWST will enable us to take a fundamental step forward in improving our understanding of the complexity of organic matter in space
    Domingo Aníbal
    García Hernández
    In force date
    Not in force