

The IAC develops a large part of the avant-garde instruments required by its astrophysics research activities. In this way, it has acquired over time a prominent level in the most relevant technologies and knowledge areas in the development of scientific instrumentation. These technical capacities, in an interdisciplinary environment, are coordinated and optimized thanks to project management practices

  • Implementation of large telescopic infrastructures. 3D model of the European Solar Telescope and its building
    Implementation of large telescopic infrastructures
    Within the framework of IACTec as an integrating element of large telescope projects with the national and European science industry, the IAC designs and constructs in collaboration with international consortia the most ambitious telescopes of the moment: CTA, EST and NRT.
  • Scientific facilities
    National and international relations in the field of large scientific facilities with other public and private entities
    One of the missions of the IAC is to point out the value of the international nature of the center, by improving the relationships that are already underway, and promoting new links with large scientific infrastructures, large consortium or international networks, both public and private.
  • Confidential agreements
    Processing of confidentiality and industrial property agreements
    The IAC promotes scientific and technological cooperations through agreements for the exchange of confidential information, including ideas for the exploitation of research results, making contacts with people from other organizations to develop new ideas or projects, assessing future collaborations in relation to a specific objective, or in
  • Engineer managing the installation phase of the EMIR instrument. Author D. López. View of a woman engineer reviewing some graphs on paper
    R&D&I project management
    The development of large and complex scientific instruments has led the IAC to specialize in project management techniques, a discipline to coordinate the human and economic effort in obtaining the results in the desired time frame.
  • Valorization of technology
    Valorization of technology and promotion of synergies with the productive environment
    Another purpose of the IAC is to increase the value of the research results generated by the center. The transfer of knowledge for the development of new processes and technologies must be carried out through the identification of potential products or services that can satisfy the demands of the productive environment.