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    The Educational Project with Robotic Telescopes (PETeR) is an online laboratory that aims to engage Spanish students in science and technology and to foster the acquisition of STEM skills through their active participation in real scientific research using robotic telescopes.

    Through the project's website, the educational community has access to state-of-the-art robotic telescopes and can request astronomical observations and develop scientific projects. The website also offers educational resources on different astronomical topics adapted to primary and secondary school curricula, allowing students to familiarise themselves with scientific practice and with programmes for visualising and analysing astronomical images.

    PETeR is a project of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), launched at the end of 2005 and managed through its Outreach and Press Unit. The coordinator of the project manages the observation time with different robotic telescopes allocated to PETeR and the implementation of the project in schools, and offers advice to users on scientific, technical or didactic aspects.

    Principal investigator
    Project manager
    Project staff
    Centros educativos participantes
    Oswaldo González - Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos Tenerife
    Ignacio Martínez - webmaster
    Ulrich Kolb

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