Physics of Ionized Nebulae


    The research that is being carried out by the group can be condensed into two main lines:

    1) Study of the structure, dynamics, physical conditions and chemical evolution of Galactic and extragalactic ionized nebulae through detailed analysis and modelization of their spectra. Investigation of chemical composition gradients along the disk of our Galaxy and in nearby galaxies.

    2) Determine the physical-chemical conditions of galactic planetary nebulae with bipolar geometry and nebulae around symbiotic stars. The aim is to understand the origin of bipolarity and to test theoretical models that attempt to explain nebular morphology and kinematics, with special emphasis on models with central binary stars. We will also study the implications of the evolution of binary systems in other astrophysical scenarios, such as the formation of jets, cataclysmic variables, and nova and supernova-type explosions.

    Principal investigator
    Project manager
    A.R. López Sánchez
    N.C. Sterling
    Karla Z. Arellano Córdoba
    T. Hillwig
    M. Santander García
    B. Balick
    D. R. Gonçalves
    K. Kwitter
    A. Prsa
    1. Using EMIR/GTC spectra in the near infrared range, tellurium and bromine emission lines have been detected for the first time in two planetary nebulae. These heavy element detections in one of their places where they are formed, give us information about the abundance patterns of heavy elements owing to the r-process and the s-process.

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    Analysis of chemical abundances in planetary nebulae with [WC] central stars. I. Line intensities and physical conditions 2012A&A...538A..54G
    The ionized gas at the centre of IC 10: a possible localized chemical pollution by Wolf-Rayet stars 2011MNRAS.411.2076L
    The intriguing H I gas in NGC 5253: an infall of a diffuse, low-metallicity H I cloud? 2012MNRAS.419.1051L
    Small-spatial-scale variations of nebular properties and the abundance discrepancy in three Galactic HII regions 2010MNRAS.405.2651M
    Small-Scale Behavior of the Physical Conditions and the Abundance Discrepancy in the Orion Nebula 2008ApJ...675..389M
    Properties of the ionized gas in HH202 - I. Results from integral field spectroscopy with PMAS 2009MNRAS.394..693M
    Properties of the ionized gas in HH 202 - II. Results from echelle spectrophotometry with Ultraviolet Visual Echelle Spectrograph 2009MNRAS.395..855M
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    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. II. Optical spectroscopy results 2009A&A...508..615L
    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. I. Optical and NIR photometric results 2008A&A...491..131L
    M1-78: a nitrogen-rich Galactic compact H II region beyond the Perseus arm 2008A&A...482..215M
    Keck HIRES Spectroscopy of Extragalactic H II Regions: C and O Abundances from Recombination Lines 2009ApJ...700..654E
    Ionized gas diagnostics from protoplanetary discs in the Orion nebula and the abundance discrepancy problem 2012MNRAS.426..614M
    Integral field spectroscopy of selected areas of the Bright bar and Orion-S cloud in the Orion nebula 2011MNRAS.417..420M
    Exploring the effects of high-velocity flows in abundance determinations in H II regions: bidimensional spectroscopy of HH 204 in the Orion nebula 2012MNRAS.421.3399N
    A detailed study of the H ii region M 43 and its ionizing star 2011A&A...530A..57S

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