
Technical facilities

The IAC has the infrastructures and the scientific and technical equipment necessary to carry out its technological support activities, both for the own projects of astrophysical instrumentation, as well as for external collaborations in R&D

  • Automatic positioners
    Automatic positioners
    Dentro del laboratorio de óptica existen diferentes posicionadores que pueden ser controlados remotamente. Se puieden dividir en tres grandes grupos: Rotadores, Mesas de traslación y micrómetros. Proceden de diferentes casas y por tanto tienen diferentes controladores pero el software de control cara al usuario es similar. En la siguiente tabla se
  • View of a SBIG camera on a table at the laboratory. Cubic shaped device with connectors.
    Bidimensional detectors
    Two-dimensional detectors for taking visible and infrared images
  • Panoramic view of the CAD studio with engineers working with desktop computers
    CAD/CAE Studio
    The CAD/CAE room concentrates the special facilities for mechanical engineering design and calculation.
    Vega Moreno
  • Front view of the control system analyser. Electronic device with a keyboard, buttons and a small screen
    Control system analyser
    The control system analyser allows to measure system transfer functions of real systems in open and closed loop in both, module and phase.
  • View of the Differential interferometer in the laboratory. Small optical and electronic devices aligned on a laboratory table
    Differential interferometer
    Device dedicated to the precise measurement of displacements between two flat mirrors.
  • General view of the Dimensional Metrology Laboratory with several measuring machines, one of bridge type on a table and another in the form of an arm on a tripod
    Dimensional Metrology Laboratory
    In the Dimensional Metrology Laboratory it is verified that the manufactured parts meet the required design specifications.