
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

Title Type Advertised on
The "Universidad Europea de Canarias" and the "Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias" sign an agreement to cooperate. Press release
20th and 21st June, Open Days at the Teide Observatory, organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
The prizes for the competition "Canarians under the same sky"PHOTONEWS Press release
The first samples of the high definition audiovisual production “Exploring the Solar System”, for domes and planetariums, are now available Press release
The winners of the competition “Canarians under the same sky” have been announced Press release
Camelopardálidas: lluvia sí, pero con actividad muy bajaFOTONOTICIA Press release
Camelopardálidas: ¿realmente una nueva lluvia de estrellas? Press release
A brief, (but intense) pulse of magnetism News report
The Director General of the European Southern Observatory visits the IAC Press release
Lunar Eclipse 15 April 2014 from TenerifePHOTONEWS Press release
Lunar Eclipse (15 April 2014)Release Press release
Live coverage of the total eclipse of the Moon (15 April 2014)Release Press release
IAC Researchers explain the “excess” of Rubidium observed in dying stars Press release
15 APRIL, 2014 Total lunar eclipse in real time: GLORIA from Peru Press release
Cómo sobrevivir a una dieta inestableCiencia con el GTC News report
Three Moonwalkers join the Starmus Festival Press release
José Labastida, visits the IACPHOTONEWS Press release
Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes “spy” one of the youngest galaxies in the Universe Press release
The GLORIA Projects introduces Personal Space, a public-domain tool for exploring the Cosmos from a laptop Press release
Spanish researchers discover the first  black hole orbiting a ‘spinning’ star Press release
Dissecting the Spitzer color-magnitude diagrams of extreme LMC AGB stars. Research news
Stellar mass black holes in ultraluminous X ray sources. Research news
Suppression of cooling by strong magnetic fields in white dwarf stars. Research news
On the origin of stars with and without planets. Tc trends and clues to Galactic evolution. Research news
Circumstellar effects on the Rubidium abundances in massive AGB stars. Research news
The spectroscopic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of Galactic massive stars. Research news
A Be-type star with a black hole companion. Research news
A candidate massive black hole in the low-metallicity dwarf galaxy pair Mrk 709. Research news
The ratio of pattern speeds in double-barred galaxies. Research news
Spectroscopic follow-up of L- and T-type proper-motion member candidates in the Pleiades. Research news
The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. III: The retrograde orbit of HAT-P-18b. Research news
Deep spectroscopic luminosity function of Abell 85: no evidence for a steep upturn of the faint-end slope. Research news
Intracluster Light at the Frontier: A2744. Research news
Simultaneous optical and near-infrared linear spectropolarimetry of the earthshine. Research news
Episodic star formation in a group of LAEs at z= 5.07 Research news
The IACOB project: II. On the scatter of O-dwarf spectral type - effective temperature calibrations. Research news
Black Hole lightning due to Particle acceleration at Subhorizon Scales. Research news
Happy New Year 2014 from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)Release Press release
Battle of the Titans: Two Black Holes in ActionScience with the GTC Press release
IAC astronomers discover  'The Music of the Galaxies' Press release
Geminids from Teide Observatory Press release
IAC astrophysicists discover a 'relic' galaxy frozen in time Press release
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias joins the Visiting Researchers programme Press release
ISON: Are you still alive? Press release
ISON: A suicide comet? Press release
Winter Schools: Press Room 2013Cosmic Magnetic Fields Press release
Researchers at the IAC have discovered the fast 'fall' of two stars on black holes Press release
Slooh and the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC) celebrate the ten year anniversary of their collaboration and extend their groundbreaking public/private partnership to 2020 Press release
Magnetic fields in the Universe, the invisible elephant in the room Press release
Direct coverage of the total eclipse of the Sun from KenyaRELEASE Press release
Canary Islands Science Week 2013 Press release
GLORIA retransmitirá, desde Kenia, el eclipse total de SolGLORIA will carry out a direct transmission of the Total Solar Eclipse from Kenya Press release
Exoplanets: discover number 1000 Press release
The Sun reaches the classroom in the Canary Islands Press release
The GTC observes, for the first time, a main belt comet (MBC) splitted into four fragments Press release
Supernovae that play hide-and-seekScience with the GTC Press release
Determining the nature of the closest ever Near Earth Object Press release
A nascent star illuminated by its "neighbours"PHOTONEWS Press release
Real-time transmission of aurorae borealis from GreenlandRELEASE Press release
Auroras boreales en directo desde Groenlandia, con GLORIA Press release
Perseids 2013 Press release
Rafael Rebolo the new Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
Board of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
The first data published to produce the first map of the hidden Milky Way Press release
Tadeo Jones’s adventure on the GTC Press release
El asteroide que quería ser cometa Press release
The GLORIA Project enables internauts to opérate a telescope at the Teide Observatory Press release
Observations with the VLT suggest that black holes don’t only devour cosmic dust Press release
The IAC signed a cooperation agreement in archaeoastronomy Press release
2013 Observatorio del Teide Open Days Image and video timelapseANNOUNCEMENT Press release
Today sees the publication of ALHAMBRA-gold, the definitive catalogue for the study of the evolution of the Universe Press release
2013 Open Days at the Teide Observatory Press release
International meeting of cosmic-ray hunters Press release
The SUNRISE solar telescope returns to the Arctic in a balloon Press release
Dates of Open Days 2013 at the Teide ObservatoryANNOUNCEMENT Press release
Island of Tenerife Gold Medal awarded to the Instituto de Astrofísica de CanariasANNOUNCEMENT Press release
Astronomers discover how 'dead' galaxies were formed in the early UniverseThe work will be published in the latest issue of 'Nature' Press release
IAC researcher Valentín Martínez Pillet to lead the National Solar ObservatoryThe American institution is a leading centre for solar studies Press release
A huge star factory in the early Universe challenges galaxy formation theoriesA full report on this research is published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Press release
Open applications for the position of "Director of the IAC"Announcement Press release
IAC researchers discovered the mysterious structure of a black hole seen edge on Press release
Images of the IAC's tracking of the asteroid available online Press release
The origin of the brightest stellar event in history, the supernova of 1006, ranked second most important astronomical discovery of 2012 by the magazine AstronomyIAC researcher Jonay González heads the study on the front page of 'Nature' in September. Press release
The visit of 2012 DA14, the closest ever asteroid to pass the EarthIAC telescopes will participate in observations that can be followed on-line Press release
Special feature: "Asteroid 2012 DA14" on the IAC webAstronomical event Press release
The most complex molecules in the Universe Press release
Exhibition: 'The IAC: from its origins to the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC)'Announcement Press release
A Black Hole Nova Obscured by an Inner Disk Torus. Research news
Very Metal-poor Stars in the Outer Galactic Bulge Found by the APOGEE Survey. Research news
Bayesian Analysis of Multiple Harmonic Oscillations in the Solar Corona. Research news
The rotation rates of massive stars: How slow are the slow ones? Research news
The filling factor - radius relation for 58 HII regions across the disk of NGC6946. Research news
Expected number of massive galaxy relics in the present-day Universe. Research news
GTC OSIRIS z-band imaging of Y dwarfs. Research news
Visible and near-infrared observations of asteroid 2012 DA14 during its closest approach of February 15, 2013. Research news
Fast orbital decays of black hole X-ray binaries: XTE J1118+480 and A0620–00. Research news
An Integral View of Fast Shocks around Supernova 1006. Research news
Seismic constraints on rotation of Sun-like star and mass of exoplanet. Research news
A new key to solving the mystery of the diffuse interstellar bands. Research news
Far infrared detected Lyman break galaxies at z ~ 3: Dust attenuation and dust correction factors at high redshift. Research news
Super Li-rich massive AGB stars. Research news
NGC1277: a massive compact relic galaxy in the nearby Universe. Research news
What were the first stars in the Universe like? Press release
Census taken with the GTC of the biggest  'nursery' of stars observable from the northern hemisphere Press release
The new research and university communications network arrives in the Canaries Press release
Presentation of the new communications network for research centres and universities in the CanariesPRESS CONFERENCE Press release
Puppets explain the cosmos Press release
Missing link in the evolution of hypergiant stars Press release
Winter Schools: Press Room 2012 Press release
Videos: Interviews XXIV Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics Press release
Los telescopios gamma gemelos contraatacan Press release
Astronomía para todos en el programa de actividades del IAC para la Semana de la Ciencia Press release
Una pareja de viejas estrellas, responsable de moldear la espectacular forma de una nebulosa planetariaLa investigación aparece publicada en el último número de ‘Science’ Press release
Un eclipse total de Sol en la web Press release
CanariCam penetra en el corazón de las galaxias Press release
El estudio de los espejismos gravitatorios centra la XXIV edición de la Escuela de Invierno del IAC Científicos de todo el mundo acuden a Tenerife para formarse en las lentes gravitatorias Press release
CALIFA: The local extragalactic universe unveiled Press release
Nuevos datos del GTC para desvelar el misterio de la atmósfera de una de las ‘supertierras’ más estudiadas Press release
El IAC lanza el audiovisual “El Universo en 3D” Press release
El Consejo Rector del IAC configura sus comisiones Delegada y Asesora Se reúne en la sede central del IAC, en Tenerife (Canarias) Press release
Descubren la causa del evento estelar más brillante de la historia, la supernova del año 1006El trabajo aparece publicado en el último número de ‘Nature’ Press release
El Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) permite observar detalles antes nunca vistos de varias estrellas y enanas marrones en el cúmulo de sigma OrionisNota de prensa de CONSOLIDER-INGENIO GTC Press release
Jornada “El Séptimo Programa Marco de I+D de la Unión Europea: cómo tener éxito en las convocatorias 2013Comunicado del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Press release
Observaciones con el GTC de dos enanas blancas ponen a prueba la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein Press release
El espectáculo de las auroras boreales vuelve este verano a tu casa Press release
El mayor mapa del universo... en 3D y para todos Press release
Perseidas 2012 Press release
Juan Antonio Belmonte: “La arqueología y la astronomía no son tan lejanas: la una estudia el pasado del ser humano, la otra, el pasado del universo” Interview
La investigadora del IAC Susana Iglesias-Groth recibe el premio Cartagonova de Astronomía Press release
Un 'monstruo' magnético con doble personalidad Press release
ESPECTÁCULO DE DANZA CONTEMPORÁNEA: “LA VIUDA NEGRA, CANIBALISMO CÓSMICO”Domingo 8 de julio, a las 21:00h, en el Auditorio de Tenerife “Adán Martín” y organizado por Tariq Shahbaz, investigador del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
Se clausura en Tenerife la IScAI 2012 Press release
El IAC abre su archivo de seminarios astronómicos a toda la comunidad científica y público interesado Press release
Se aprueba la mayor colaboración astronómica de la historia para construir y lanzar el satélite Euclid Press release
El Observatorio del Teide abre sus puertas a la ciudadanía Press release
Tecnología de vanguardia para encontrar 'otras Tierras' fuera del Sistema Solar Press release
El último tránsito de Venus de este siglo en directo con GLORIA Press release
El Telescopio solar más grande de Europa se instala en Tenerife Press release
Cartografiar el oxígeno en el universo Press release
Massive Black Holes halt star birth in distant galaxies Press release
El cielo canario se pasea por la NASA Press release
Descubren un cúmulo estelar masivo cercano a la Tierra Press release
El Telescopio Liverpool, uno de los telescopios robóticos más grandes del mundo, cuenta ya con un edificio de apoyo instrumental que mejorará su rendimiento Press release
El Sol cabe en un superordenador News report
Inauguración de HARPS-N, el buscador de exoplanetas más preciso del hemisferio norte Press release
El motor de la Nebulosa del Cangrejo Press release
Cuando el universo pisó el acelerador Press release
CanariCam y el GTC observarán en directo el nacimiento de estrellas y planetas Press release
El GTC incorpora dos nuevos rotadores, claves para la instalación de nuevos instrumentos de observación Press release
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias y la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León firman un documento para formalizar colaboraciones entre ambas instituciones Press release
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, galardonado en los Premios Mundo Empresarial Europeo 2012 Press release
Ensayan con la Tierra una nueva técnica para determinar indicios de vida en otros planetas Press release
El espectáculo del Universo llega al Teatro Leal Press release
Descubren que los planetas ‘gemelos’ de la Tierra pueden ser muy diferentes Press release
La ciencia española tardará años en recuperarse de esta sangría News report
Astrofísicos del IAC-ULL desarrollan un código para desvelar la historia de la formación estelar en las galaxias Press release
Discurso del Director del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) en el Foro España InnovaComunicado Press release
El poderoso influjo del sol (reportaje televisivo de Informe Semanal) News report
La cartografía del universo y de sus galaxias revela sus primeros resultados Press release
The suppression of star formation by powerful active galactic nuclei. Research news
Resolving the Internal Magnetic Structure of the Solar Network. Research news
Optical Photometric GTC/OSIRIS Observations of the Young Massive Association Cygnus OB2. Research news
The central molecular gas structure in LINERs with low luminosity AGN: evidence for gradual disappearance of the torus. Research news
Low Mg/Si Planetary Host Stars and Their Mg-depleted Terrestrial Planets. Research news
A spectrograph for exoplanet observations calibrated at the centimetre-per-second level. Research news
The hypergiant HR 8752 evolving through the yellow evolutionary void. Research news
Rapid Orbital Decay in the 12.75-minute Binary White Dwarf J0651+2844. Research news
Dark Matter, Magnetic Fields, and the Rotation Curve of the Milky Way. Research news
Narrow Band Halpha photometry of the super-Earth GJ 1214b with GTC/OSIRIS tunable filters. Research news
Detection of the first R Coronae Borealis star pertaining to a binary system. Research news
The Nature and Nurture of Bars and Disks. Research news
The Star Formation History of M32. Research news
No surviving evolved companions of the progenitor of SN1006. Research news
Diffuse interstellar bands in proto-fullerene circumstellar environments. Research news
A Short-duration Event as the Cause of Dust Ejection from Main-Belt Comet P/2012 F5 (Gibbs). Research news
The Fast Spiral-in of the companion star to the black hole XTE J1118+480. Research news
Discovery of a young and massive stellar cluster: Spectrophotometric near-infrared study of Masgomas-1. Research news
An Interacting Binary System Powers Precessing Outflows of an Evolved Star. Research news
Evidence for rotational motions in the feet of a quiescent solar prominence. Research news
El GTC empleará la cámara ultrasensible más rápida del mundo Press release
Clausura de la Escuela Internacional de Instrumentación Avanzada (IScAI 2011) Press release
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias cuenta ya con su acreditación de excelencia Severo Ochoa Press release
Las galaxias también cambian por dentro Press release
Winter Schools: Press Room 2011 Press release
Multimedia - IV Congreso "Ciencia con el Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC)"Multimedia Press release
La 'rápida' caída en espiral de una estrella a un agujero negro Press release
El GTC observa la infancia de alguna de las galaxias más masivas del universo Press release
IV Congreso "Ciencia con el Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC)" Interview
El GTC traza el cartografiado más profundo del cielo realizado hasta la fecha Press release
El GTC observa fósiles astronómicos Press release
El GTC asiste al nacimiento de una estrella Press release
El Gran Telescopio CANARIAS pone en común sus resultados científicos por primera vez Press release
Arranca el IV Congreso "Ciencia con el Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC)" Press release
La XXIII edición de la Escuela de Invierno del IAC aborda la evolución interna de las galaxias Press release
El IAC acercará la astronomía a la ciudadanía en las Semanas de la Ciencia  y la Innovación  de Canarias   Press release