
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

Title Type Advertised on
“Astronomy is great!” Press release
“Astronomy is great!” Press release
New evidence in favour of dark matter: the bars in galaxies are spinning more slowly than we thought Press release
New evidence in favour of dark matter: the bars in galaxies are spinning more slowly than we thought Press release
An application of Astronomy to save endangered species Press release
An application of Astronomy to save endangered species Press release
"TALK WITH THEM: women in astronomy" Press release
TALK WITH THEM: women in astronomy Press release
La galaxia de Andrómeda, primera imagen del “Fotomatón cósmico" Press release
La galaxia de Andrómeda, primera imagen del “Fotomatón cósmico" Press release
The Sun revealed Press release
The Sun revealed Press release
Discovered one of the brightest distant galaxies so far known Press release
Discovered one of the brightest distant galaxies so far known Press release
Helioseismology and the solar magnetic cycle open the IV SOLARNET meeting in LanzarotePHOTONEWS Press release
Helioseismology and the solar magnetic cycle open the IV SOLARNET meeting in Lanzarote Press release
The 4th SOLARNET meeting "The physics of the Sun from the interior to the outer atmosphere" will start next Monday Press release
The 4th SOLARNET meeting "The physics of the Sun from the interior to the outer atmosphere" will start next Monday Press release
Dimitri Gadotti: “Not seeing the complexity of everything that can alter the life of a galaxy sometimes leads to misconceptions” Interview
HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. V. A super-Earth on the inner edge of the habitable zone of the nearby M-dwarf GJ 625 Research news
The long-period binary central stars of the planetary nebulae NGC 1514 and LoTr 5 Research news
First spectra of two extreme trans-Neptunian objects obtained with the GTC support the “Planet Nine” hypothesis Research news
Discovery of interstellar dust in the reionization era of the Universe: ALMA observations of a z=8.38 galaxy amplified by the gravitational lensing effect of the galaxy cluster Abell 2744 Research news
Discovered one of the brightest distant galaxies so far known Research news
The cosmic assembly of stellar haloes in massive early-type Galaxies Research news
GIUSEPPE BONO: “We are going to build the largest ground based telescope to fully exploit the Adaptive Optics capabilities” Interview
Cazasteroides: an app to monitor the population of asteroids from your armchair Press release
PHIL CHARLES: “I’m afraid I don’t know what happens when the matter passes through the event horizon of a black hole and neither does Stephen Hawking” Interview
Happy New Year 2017! Press release
Cosmology in the Second artistic Residence of the KEROXEN festival 2016 Press release
The IAC signs an agreement with the RIKEN Institute of Advanced Photonics for the installation of a new telescopePHOTONEWS Press release
Representatives of the "III Programme for Brazilian Leaders" visit the IAC and the Canary Island ObservatoriesPHOTONEWS Press release
YAKIV PAVLENKO: “OSIRIS is a very useful instrument for the investigation of low mass late-type hosting stars and exoplanets which cannot be observed directly” Interview
Jewitt-Li GeminidPHOTONEWS Press release
Geminids 2016: How to see this Christmas meteor shower Press release
Where giant galaxies are born Press release
NOEMÍ PINILLA: “If there really is a Planet X, finding it would force to revise the models of the creation and evolution of the Solar System that didn’t include it” Interview
El IAC participa en la misión espacial AIM que estudiará mecanismos para desviar asteroides peligrosos Press release
Presentación comentada de la serie audiovisual "IAC INVESTIGA" en el Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos Press release
Todo un recorrido por nuestro vecindario cósmico Press release
“NIÉPCE: from the negative to the positive”, a tribute of astronomy to photography Press release
Scientists from the IAC and the ULL discover a nearby “superearth” Press release
Rosetta, a journey to a comet and to our origins Press release
MICHAEL KÜPPERS: “Asteroids may play a larger role than comets in the delivery of water to Earth” Interview
KARRI MUINONEN: “Asteroid mining for valuable minerals is another good reason to carry out research on these objects” Interview
AURÉLIEN CRIDA: “A planet changes its orbit due to gravitational interactions with the gas disk in which it formed” Interview
La Palma acogerá un congreso internacional con motivo del 10º aniversario de la ‘Declaración Starlight’ Press release
ALEJANDRO CARDESÍN: “With the required international support it should be possible to make manned journeys within 20 to 30 years” Interview
SEBASTIEN BESSE: “At the Planetary Science Archive, we ensure the long preservation of the scientific observations, therefore, the preservation of knowledge” Interview
JOHN STANSBERRY: “JWST may finally tell us much more about where the different classes of KBOs came from” Interview
MAGIC observes a gravitational lens at very high energies Press release
JULIA DE LEÓN: “We know very well the orbits of over 90% of the asteroids which could cause a world-wide catastrophe if they impact on Earth” Interview
The IAC Winter School on exploring the Solar System has been inaugurated Press release
SEBASTIEN LEBONNOIS: “Climate models can be applied to atmospheres detected around exoplanets and find places suitable for life” Interview
The IAC will participate in the Weeks of Science and Innovation in the Canaries Press release
Solved: one of the mysteries of globular clusters Press release
The expert in Public Health César Velasco, invited speaker at an IAC colloquium Press release
“The exploration of the Solar System”, theme of this year’s IAC Winter School Press release
La Palma chosen as the alternative site for the TMT Press release
The VIII programme “Our students and the Roque de los Muchachos” has begun Press release
Successful test on La Palma of a new adaptive optics technique for very large telescopes Press release
Tomorrow the IV Spanish Meeting on Active Galactic Nuclei starts in Tenerife Press release
Meeting in La Palma of the Spanish Light Pollution Research Network Press release
The IAC engineer Mary Marreto is awarded the prize for "Women with Talent" Press release
PAOLO VENTURA: “Understanding how the stars produce dust is fundamental for all the fields of astrophysics” Interview
JUAN MANUEL BORRERO: “The European Solar Telescope will allow us to improve the quality of the data, and our knowledge of the Sun” Interview
The IAC signs the framework agreement for the installation in La Palma of the two types of high energy telescopes of the CTA observatory Press release
JUAN MADRID: “From the Canaries we can look at heaven and earth at the same time” Press release
ELSA LÓPEZ. “It’s curious that the more I learn here, the more I realize just how much is left to know” Press release
Juan Madrid visits the IAC and the Canary Observatories Press release
JOSÉ ANTONIO DE DIEGO: “The use of tunable filters on the GTC will allow us to detect very young and active galaxies” Interview
Agreement between the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) and the National Astronomical Observatories of China Press release
IAC Scientists participate in NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission to study an old asteroid Press release
Auroras from the Arctic Press release
The nights of August 11th to 12th and 12th to 13th will be the best time to observe this meteor showerPerseids 2016 Press release
ANTONIO TABARES: “Science and literature have more in common than you might think” Press release
The French Ambassador to Spain visits the IAC Press release
First showing of the video "STARS AND THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM" Press release
Inaugurado el II Curso Internacional de Verano "Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands" Press release
Juan Carlos Pérez Arencibia is now a Collaborating Member Elect of the Royal Canary Academy of SciencesPHOTONEWS Press release
Astronomers map a record-breaking 1.2 million galaxies to study the secrets of dark energy Press release
A “matryoshka” in the interstellar medium Press release
Éxito en las dos Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas del Observatorio del Teide Press release
Light shed on a superluminous supernova which appears to have exploded twice News report
JUAN CRUZ: “The Canaries has to make a claim for itself as a place for science and technology" Press release
The Board of Directors of the IAC met yesterday in Las Palmas Press release
IACTec a step nearer Press release
Outstanding participation of the IAC in SPIE 2016 Press release
Astronomers catalogue 40,000 minor bodies in the Solar System Press release
Juan Cruz visits the IAC and the Canary Island Observatories Press release
Antonio Tabares visits the IAC and the Canary Island Observatories Press release
PHOTONEWS: The invited speakers to the STARMUS festival and those at the “108 minutes” panel discussion today visited IAC headquarters Press release
8th and 9th July, Open Days at the Teide Observatory of the IAC Press release
Stone laying for the Visitor Centre at the Roque de los Muchachos Press release
“108 minutes” at the GTC Press release
The first image of a new gaseous component in a planetary nebula. Press release
Stephen Hawking, key figure on the 3rd day of Starmus Press release
Hubble Reveals Stellar Fireworks in "Skyrocket" Galaxy Press release
Dark energy, Saturn, the exploration of space, climate change, the brain, and cybersecurity, on the second day of Starmus 2016 Press release
Starmus 2016 Inaugurated Press release
ROSA MONTERO: "Looking up at the sky makes us more human, more civilized, less mean" Press release
The third edition of STARMUS begins Press release
Registration for the II International Summer Course "Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands" is now open Press release
Paralajes, the new monographic review from the IAC Press release
Stephen Hawking ya es Profesor Honorario del IACFOTONOTICIA Press release
First light with EMIR on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) Press release
Rosa Montero will visit the IAC and the Canary Observatories Press release
Stephen Hawking, "IAC Honorary Professor" Press release
The GTC obtains the deepest image of a galaxy from Earth Press release
Their Majesties the King and Queen receive the “Severo Ochoa” research centres and the “María de Maeztu” research units Press release
The IAC and the Kiepenheuer Institute of Solar Physics sign an agreement on the operation of the solar telescopes at the Teide ObservatoryPHOTONEWS Press release
The EMIR spectrograph is now installed on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC)PHOTONEWS Press release
Pedro Sánchez visita el Observatorio del TeideFOTONOTICIA Press release
Pathway to the Stars competition 2016 - STARS4ALL for young European students Press release
A new “Einstein ring” is discovered Press release
Everything visible and invisible, a course in Astronomy aimed at secondary school teachers Press release
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias will participate in the new European SUNDIAL network Press release
EMIR, a new instrument for the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC), is bieng transported to La Palma today. Press release
The IAC signs in Tokyo an agreement with the Riken Institute of Advanced Photonics Press release
The IAC signs an agreement with the National Astronomical Observatories of China Press release
First showing of the video "COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS" Press release
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias participates in the XX anniversary of the SOHO satellite Press release
John Beckman: "Astronomy is a science that makes us humble" Press release
Astrophysicists from the IAC discover an intense wind in the neighbourhood of a black hole Press release
Transit of Mercury, live Press release
Follow the Transit of Mercury with STARS4ALL Press release
New data on the variability of the Earth’s reflectance over the last 16 years Press release
Spain and Japan agree on the installation of four new telescopes on the island of La Palma Press release
A SURPRISING UNIVERSE with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
The CALIFA third data release: an inspiration to be curious about the universe Press release
The dark side of the fluffiest galaxies Press release
Images and videos of the occultation of Venus by the Moon, taken from the Teide ObservatoryPHOTONEWS Press release
The Nobel Laureate in Physics Klaus von Klitzing visited the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the Teide ObservatoryPHOTONEWS Press release
Out of this world: LJMU joins forces with Spanish astronomy institute to develop the world’s largest robotic telescope Press release
The latest advances in solar oscillations and waves in sunspots Press release
Confirmation that less massive planetary nebulae produce oxygen Press release
Planning Starts for MOS and HIRES Instruments on the E-ELT Press release
Two comets will “graze” the Earth on March 21st and 22nd Press release
The writer Elsa Lopez learns first hand the multidisciplinary work done at the IACPHOTNEWS Press release
A famous supermassive black hole “spied on” with the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS News report
MERECEDES PRIETO MUÑOZ: “In the puzzle of the formation and evolution of galaxies there are only a few pieces to insert” Interview
The writer Elsa Lopez visits the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory within the framework of the project "En un lugar del Universo..."PHOTONEWS Press release
The astrophysic of the IAC Mercedes Prieto Muñoz is awarded with the "IUEM 8th of March" Press release
The international conference “ Big Data from Space” in Tenerife Press release
One of the most distant, massive “hypercluster” of galaxies has been discovered Press release
International Conference on the “Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Outskirts” Press release
Well known Spanish literary personalities visit the Canary Island Observatories Press release
The European Solar Telescope, chosen as a Strategic Scientific Installation for Europe Press release
Imágenes del eclipse total de SolFOTONOTICIA Press release
Total solar eclipse from Indonesia Press release
STARS4ALL, a platform to stimulate the European conscience about the need to defend dark skies Press release
IAC Postdoctoral Research Excellence Program 2016 Press release
The CHEOPS mission announces the drawings from Spanish children travelling to space Press release
Toyota Canarias donate a vehicle to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
First showing of the "GALAXIAS" video Press release
New twist to galactic magnetic fields Press release
The IAC gets its second accreditation as a Severo Ochoa center of excellencePHOTONEWS Press release
The Obra Social "la Caixa" and the CajaCanarias Foundation award doctoral studentships at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
New findings in spiral galaxies challenge the dark matter hypothesis Press release
Comet Catalina (C/2013 US10) will be visiting during the nights of 16th and 17th January. Press release
El presidente de Canarias visita el IACFOTONOTICIA Press release
Discovery of the polluting stars that form the second stellar generation in globular clusters Research news
The dark side of the fluffiest galaxies Research news
First direct imaging of the faint O emission lines in a planetary nebula Research news
The magnetic sensitivity of the Mg II k line to the joint action of Hanle, Zeeman and magneto-optical effects Research news
Discovery of a massive supercluster system at z=0.47 Research news
Regulation of black-hole accretion by a disk wind during a violent outburst of V404 Cygni Research news
Three supernova shells around a young star cluster in M33 Research news
New findings in spiral galaxies challenge the dark matter hypothesis Research news
Earth’s albedo variations 1998-2014 as measured from ground-based earthshine observations Research news
Early evolution of disrupted asteroid P/2016 G1 (PANSTARRS) Research news
Extremely fast orbital decay of the black hole X-ray binary Nova Muscae 1991 Research news
The nuclear dust lane of Circinus: collimation without a torus Research news
Lack of color changes in the transits of disintegrating material close to a white dwarf Research news
ALMA Resolves the Torus of NGC 1068 Research news
Unveiling the companion of Aquila X-1 40 years after its discovery Research news
Strength of the large-scale magnetic field in nearby galaxies versus their rotation speed Research news
New theoretical models explain the origin of oxygen in low-mass planetary nebulae Research news
Type-II surface brightness profiles in edge-on galaxies produced by flares Research news
Catalina, a Christmas Comet Press release
The IAC has contracted seven young people in the Framework of the Operational Programme for Youth Employment Press release
First successful tests of new planet hunter “CARMENES” Press release
The MAGIC telescopes detect gamma ray emission from a very distant active galaxy Press release
A spectacular Geminids night PHOTONEWS Press release
The return of the Geminids Press release
Last days to register for the IAU Symposium "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Outskirts" to be held in Toledo Press release
Awarding of the "Jules Janssen" prize of the French Astronomical Society to Suzy Collin-Zahn and to Rafael Rebolo Press release
The upcoming installation of EMIR and other news about instrumentation on the last day of the "Science with the GTC" conference Press release
How a galaxy bigger than the Milky Way can be built up in a shorter time that the Solar System. This and other questions from the second day of “Science with the GTC”. Press release
Found: the lost generation of stars in globular clusters which stellar evolution models had predicted Press release
A supernova that may not be one, and other scientific results from the first day of the V International Conference "Science with the GTC" Press release
The 5th International Conference on “Science with the GTC” starts tomorrow Press release
The GTC finds a mysterious microquasar in the galaxy M81 This object could host a very “special” black hole, according to the authors of the study, advertised in today’s edition of the prestigious journal Nature. Press release
Science and Technology will be debated in the Technical meeting of RedIRIS in Tenerife Press release
Danny Steeghs: “High time resolution optical astrophysics concerns the study of objects using visible light, but on timescales of minutes or faster” Interview
Identified around galactic halos, a fraction of the "missing" normal matter Press release
In memoriam Rod Davies Press release
Phil Charles: “The advances through the forty years I have been a research astronomer have all been a result of the huge technology gains that have taken place since the Second World War, particularly in the space arena, where many wavelengths had been co Interview
Elizabeth Ferrara: “The gamma rays we see are mostly produced by stellar remnants and supermassive black holes” Interview