
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

Title Type Advertised on
The IAC hosts the presentation of the "Tenerife Declaration" to improve the distribution of research infrastructures in Europe Photomontage
Tenerife welcomes Research Infrastructures Week Press release
The impact of deep learning for the analysis of galaxy surveys Research news
The James Webb observes the first galaxies in the universe and discovers and “impostor” Press release
2023 DZ2 asteroid will not collide with Earth, study finds Photomontage
ESPRESSO and CARMENES discover two potentially habitable exo-Earths around a star near the Sun Research news
The densest “Neptune” ever observed Press release
Confronting fuzzy dark matter with the rotation curves of nearby dwarf irregular galaxies Research news
The relic galaxy NGC 1277 lacks dark matter Research news
Astronomy day with Saharawi children and their host families on Tenerife Photomontage
The president of the Cabildo de La Palma visits the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
Teresa Ribera visits the Teide Observatory to assess the effects of the fire Photomontage
IAC communiqué on the Izaña Fire Photomontage
The residents of Garafía visit the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on a day of sharing Photomontage
Impressive images of the Ring Nebula as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope Photomontage
La lluvia más esperada del verano Press release
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, nuevo miembro de AESEMI Photomontage
The President of the Cabildo de Tenerife and the Councillor for Innovation, Research and Development visit the IAC Press release
First test of the Euclid telescope in space. Press release
The ninth edition of the AEACI promotes astronomy education once more Photomontage
Grantecan solves an old puzzle about the brightness of galaxy discs Press release
A workshop in La Palma consolidates scientific collaboration in astronomy between Spain and China Photomontage
The CSIC and the IAC take part in the creation of the Canary European Solar Telescope Foundation Press release
Rafael Rebolo and Romano Corradi receive the 'Order of the Star of Italy' Photomontage
The puzzle of the galaxy with no dark matter Press release
Sky protection is one of the central issues on the agenda of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union Photomontage
The Euclid telescope takes off to explore the dark universe Press release
The group of presidents of the TSJs visit the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
Temperature inhomogeneities cause the abundance discrepancy in H II regions Research news
Blue Supergiants observed in detail Press release
The definitive book about the cultural role of astronomy in ancient Egypt Press release
Massive pulsating star provides clues to calibrate stellar evolution models Press release
The effects of light pollution on astronomy are increasing Press release
Funding for Grantecan's activities in the coming years is consolidated Photomontage
An amino acid essential for life is found in interstellar space Press release
IAC Statement: The Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM) announces a temporary cut of the road inside the Observatory
Astronomers study the magnetic chaos of galaxies in the nearby Universe Press release
Nearly Two Million Objects to Study Dark Energy with DESI Press release
The IX International Summer School for teachers at the IAC will be focused on the study of "Other Worlds" Press release
New Open Days at the Teide Observatory Press release
IACNet DNS Firewall Protection Service General
Evidence of water found in the atmosphere of an ultra-hot gas giant Press release
The IAC and the Canary company Light Bridges will collaborate to install a robotic telescope in the Teide Observatory Photomontage
A new explanation for the high temperatures of the solar corona Press release
Astronomers find Earth-sized world potentially covered in volcanoes Press release
An old problem about the measurement of the chemical composition of the universe has been resolved Press release
New contracts for young people through the INVESTIGO Programme Photomontage
The mystery of the runaway supermassive black hole, solved Press release
Astronomers solve the mystery of how quasars are ignited Press release
Astronomers discover tiny galaxy with extraordinary star formation in distant Universe Press release
Does the merger of two black holes emit light? The Subaru+GTC collaboration tries to answer this question Press release
El IAC se suma a la celebración del Día Mundial de la Tecnología Cuántica Photomontage
DRAGO-2 makes its first observations from space Press release
Molecules precursors to life discovered in the Perseus Cloud Press release
High number of faint, ultra-diffuse galaxies in our Local Group discovered
Astronomers witness the birth of a cluster of galaxies from the early Universe Press release
The Japanese ambassador visits the ORM Photomontage
Relativistic jets blowing bubbles in the central region of the Teacup Galaxy Research news
Discovery of relativistic jets blowing bubbles in the central region of the Teacup Galaxy Press release
The IAC moves forward in its commitment to equality Press release
The outburst of a neutron star reveals the nature of phenomena only observed in black holes
The IAC joins the Open Administration Week with visits to the La Palma Supercomputing Node Photomontage
CARMENES project boosts the number of known planets in the solar neighbourhood Press release
First MIT Astronomy Field Camp at the Teide Observatory Photomontage
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias formalizes the contract to strengthen submarine digital connectivity Photomontage
The Gran Telescopio Canarias plays a key role in the discovery of the ring of the dwarf planet Quaoar Press release
Con todas las letras de la ciencia News report
Education and social awareness activities to promote the participation of women and girls in Science Press release
Initiation of LIOM, the IAC Laboratory for Innovation in Optomechanics Press release
The scientific team of the ESPRESSO instrument meets to review its first 5 years Photomontage
Itxiar Anguita Fontecha, a fighter for Equality, Accessibility, and Inclusion Photomontage
The IAC hosted the meetings of the PERTE Chip Commissioner, with firms and academic departments in the semiconductor field Photomontage
A near-pristine star found to be binary Press release
QUIJOTE maps the structure of our Galaxy’s magnetic field Press release
Astronomical calendar 2023 Photomontage
Astronomers find the origin of one of the oldest stars in the Milky Way Press release
The IAC sends to space its second instrument for Earth observation Press release
¿Qué le pides al nuevo año? Cuadrántidas 2023 Press release
Matter that shows when numbers do not work out and other unknowns News report
The WEAVE spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope takes its first light data at the ORM Photomontage
Hospital Universitario de Canarias and IAC make progress in the early detection of colon cancer with artificial intelligence Press release
ESPRESSO and CARMENES discover two potentially habitable exo-Earths around a star near the Sun Press release
James Webb Telescope reveals the possible origin of the mysterious shapes in the Southern Ring Nebula Press release
Last wishes of the year: Geminids 2022 Press release
The Jesús Serra Foundation and the IAC reaffirm their commitment to collaborate in attracting prestigious international visiting scientists Photomontage
The James Webb telescope produces an unparalleled view of the ghostly light in galaxy clusters Press release
The IAC initiates the Preliminary Market Inquiry for a new telecommunications project in the framework of the Recovery Plan Photomontage
The challenges of Astrophysics and Cosmology Photomontage
Can we listen to dark matter? Photomontage
The IAC is leading a COST action of the European Union to study carbon nanostructures in space Photomontage
James Webb telescope reveals an exoplanet atmosphere as never seen before Press release
XXXIII Canary Islands Winter School - Overlaps at the Frontiers of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Physics Press release
The International Scientific Committee of the Canary Observatories met in the University of La Laguna Photomontage
IACTEC develops a model to simulate pathologies of a diabetic foot Press release
The European Space Agency and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias celebrate their silver anniversary in Tenerife Press release
The Spanish Ambassador to the United Nations in Vienna, Esther Monterrubio, and the President of the COPUOS Subcommittee on Scientific and Technical Affairs, Juan Francisco Facetti, visit the IAC and the Canary Islands Observatories Photomontage
The European Research Council has awarded one of its prestigious “ERC Advanced Grants” to IAC’s SUBSTELLAR project Press release
Unravelling coronal bright points Research news
Heaviest element yet detected in an exoplanet atmosphere Press release
Segunda visita de los Amigos del IAC al Observatorio del Teide Photomontage
James Webb telescope studies organic molecules near black holes Press release
Summer School on "Eclipsing binaries and asteroseismology" held in La Palma Photomontage
New insights into the puzzle of strong CO absorptions in massive early-type galaxies Research news
The European Solar Telescope project presents the design for its construction in the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
Magnetic Fields in the Solar Atmosphere Press release
Astronomers discover a planetary system with three super-Earths and two super-Mercuries Press release
The first extensive catalogue of massive stars with low metallicity Press release
Rapid quasi-periodic oscillations in a relativistic jet Research news
The CLASP2.1 mission team receives a NASA award Press release
The Rector of the University of La Laguna (ULL) visits the Gran Telescopio de Canarias to give an impulse to the Sustainability Plan for the telescope Press release
The possible detection of elusive intermediate mass black holes Press release
The Minister of Science, Diana Morant, visits the scientific installations at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Press release
The autumnal equinox from the Dolmen of Magacela Press release
The activities of the proyect “Amanar: under the same sky” return to the Canaries Photomontage
New source of lithium production found in the Universe Press release
The University of Warwick organized a working session to visit its scientific installations at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) Photomontage
A study shows that “water worlds” could be as common as Earths Press release
Astronomers discover rapid oscillations in the light of a blazar Press release
The IAC and Lenovo Tenerife publicize the value of the Canary sky
Solar physicists build a 2D model which can explain the bright points in the solar corona Press release
Everything is ready for the XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society in La Laguna Press release
Over a hundred local inhabitants of Garafía attended the Open Day at he Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
Perseids against light pollution Press release
The first hybrid edition of the International Summer School for Teachers at the IAC has concluded Press release
Diana Morant visits the IAC Headquarters Press release
Preparing for the world’s biggest radio telescope Press release
An ancient brown dwarf in our cosmic neighbourhood Press release
ASTRI telescopes at the Teide Observatory: an example of environmental integration Photomontage
The Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, meets with the scientific community at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
The OTPC: thirty years working to protect the sky News report
The 5th edition of the "Acércate al Cosmos" course has been held Photomontage
The first edition of the DRAGO educational project has been concluded Photomontage
The IAC and the Museum of Science and the Cosmos invite the public to view the first images of the James Webb Space Telescope Press release
The Subsecretary of Science and Innovation visits the Canary Islands Observatories Photomontage
About metallicity variations in the local Galactic interstellar medium Research news
The IAC once again celebrates its Astronomical Education Adventure in face-to-face format Press release
A new planet hunter starts its work Press release
Proton acceleration in thermonuclear nova explosions revealed by gamma rays Research news
Gliese 486 b: a Rosetta stone for the study of exoplanets Press release
Two new rocky planets in the solar neighborhood Press release
Possible evidence of planet formation found in the Orion Nebula Press release
"Amigos del IAC" visitan el Observatorio del Teide Photomontage
Una alianza macaronésica para reducir la contaminación lumínica Press release
Beatriz Villarroel is awarded the L’Oréal-Unesco Prize for Women in Science Press release
The six-monthly meeting of the International Scientific Committee of the IAC observatories met in La Palma Photomontage
The star cluster Westerlund 1: a nursery of giant stars within the shadows Press release
The synchronized dance of the Magellanic Clouds star formation history Research news
A delegation from the Commission for Regional Development of the European Parliament visited the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
A new algorithm that simulates the intergalactic medium of the Universe in seconds is developed Press release
Dwarf galaxies: key laboratories for the study of dark matter Press release
A study gives accurate motions of the largest sample, to date, of galaxies in the Local Group Photomontage
The Incubator for High Technology in Astrophysics and Space at the IAC is working Photomontage
A dawn eclipse Press release
The educational programme “ Our students and the Roque de los Muchachos” is starting up again Press release
Astronomers observe potential magnetic flip around a supermassive black hole Press release
Astronomers discover a “black widow” binary star system with the shortest orbital period known Press release
Astronomers discover a four-planet system with a peculiar migration process Press release
The cultural and sky landscape of the Way of Saint James Press release
Testing fundamental physics with ESPRESSO Research news
MAGIC Telescope System detects energetic nuclear blast from vampire star Press release
BBVA Foundation's president, Carlos Torres Vila, visits the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
IAC scientists obtain one of the most general validations of Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence
The IAC and the AEMET sign a collaboration agreement Photomontage
Evidence of the impact of quasar driven outflows on recent star formation Research news
The exhibition “AstrónomAs” which gives visibility to women in Astronomy has arrrived in Tenerife Press release
The IAC presents its plan to reduce its carbon footprint by 80% to the Department of Ecological Transition Photomontage
VYACHESLAV LUKIN: “Solar observations without theoretical and computational models are like a car without wheels” Interview
Caught in the act: the winds driven by supermassive black holes directly impact star formation Press release
An ultraviolet wind in a neutron star X-ray binary transient Research news
A novel black hole mass scaling relation Research news
The IAC initiates a market survey which will strengthen La Palma’s digital connectivity Photomontage
A cold wind during the discovery outburst of a black hole Research news
Astronomers develop new method for taking the temperature of black holes Press release
Powerful warm winds discovered during a neutron star eruption Press release
Abierto el plazo de solicitudes del Plan de Acción Social 2022 General
The nature of an extreme B supergiant in Cygnus Research news
The second phase of the ALISIO-1 mission, which will take the latest version of the DRAGO infrared camera into space, gets under way Photomontage
Astronomers find a black hole which rotates highly inclined to its orbit Press release
Astronomers find in the Milky Way an unusual blue supergiant star travelling at high velocity Press release
DIEGO BLAS: “We are in a golden period when the connection between theory and observations is increasingly necessary" Interview
Supermassive black holes change the central regions of galaxies Press release
IAC scientists complete an unprecedented study of the masses of over 500 clusters of galaxies Press release
A sub-Earth confirmed in the planetary system of the closest star to the Sun Press release
IAC is participating in a full programme of activities for the Day of Women and Girls in Science Press release
SHARKS survey detects more than a million invisible sources in its first data release Press release
NORBERT LANGER: "There are still many uncertainties about the evolution of massive stars" Interview
A stellar stream remnant of a globular cluster below the metallicity floor Research news
The mystery of the brightest planetary nebulae Press release
MUSE reveals different gas components in planetary nebulae Research news
2022 Astronomical Calendars Press release
Astronomers discover first supernova explosion of a Wolf-Rayet star Press release
A primitive stellar structure helps us to unravel the earliest phases of the Milky Way Press release
El mejor regalo para comenzar el año: Cuadrántidas 2022 Press release
Origin of stellar prolate rotation in a cosmologically simulated faint dwarf Research news
A dwarf irregular galaxy caught in transition Research news
Astronomers find Milky Way analogue galaxy in the early universe Press release
The Visitor Centre at the Roque de los Muchachos and the Starmus Festival: two gateways to the Universe and to the recovery of La Palma Press release
Astronomers confirm the existence of a cosmic supervoid that challenges our understanding of dark energy Press release
A dense ultra-short period sub-Earth planet transiting a nearby red dwarf star Research news
ESPRESSO puts the physical constants to the test Press release