
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

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El IAC participa en el encuentro ‘Hoy Visibles, Mañana Inspiradoras’ que se organiza con motivo del 8M Photomontage
The IAC strengthens its commitment to Equality Press release
Research on exoplanets and the Solar System comes to the classroom with the IAC's PETeR project Press release
The IAC and the Canary, La Palma Reserve of the Biosphere Foundation unite efforts in the fight against exotic invading species Press release
The TTT3 telescope at the Teide Observatory sees its first light Press release
La investigadora del IAC Casiana Muñoz, galardonada con la Medalla de Andalucía Photomontage
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias hosts the Spanish ALMA Days 2025
The IAC continues to track asteroid 2024 YR4 to refine the probability of impact in 2032 Press release
El equipo de IACTEC Espacio presenta sus proyectos en el foro internacional SSSIF Press release
El IAC colabora con la Real Sociedad de Amigos del País para celebrar los 100 años de Progreso Cuántico
The IAC participates in the first 3D mapping of the atmosphere of an exoplanet Press release
Signs of 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' star formation in low-surface-brightness globular-cluster-rich dwarf galaxies Research news
El IAC invita a hacer un CosmoViaje para conocer mejor el Universo con charlas abiertas al público
La Fundación CajaCanarias presenta una nueva edición del Foro Enciende el Cosmos Press release
“Habla con Ellas: Mujeres en Astronomía” celebrates its seventh edition inspiring new generations in Spain and the Caribbean Press release
The CELESTE project, of advanced technology for optics and space at the IAC, starts to move ahead
Scientists confirm the lunar origin of Near-Earth asteroid 2024 PT5 Press release
The IAC is actively tracking the asteroid that the UN has qualified as potentially dangerous Press release
El IAC y la Fundación Occident apuestan por el fomento del intercambio de talento científico Press release
The helium enrichment in massive stars during the main sequence could be the result of mass accretion Research news
The IAC confirms the existence of a Super-earth in the habitable zone of a Sun-like Star Press release
MIT Astronomy Field Camp students share their scientific results at the IAC Press release
El IAC acoge un encuentro para compartir las oportunidades del programa europeo de I+D Widenning
Unas jornadas científicas abordan qué hacer ante la posibilidad de contacto extraterrestre
Las doctoras Honoris Causa de la ULL visitan el Observatorio del Teide Press release
Astrophysicists reveal structure of 74 exocomet belts orbiting nearby stars in landmark survey Press release
La viceconsejera de Planificación Territorial conoce el proyecto del European Solar Telescope Press release
Rubén Sánchez-Janssen, new director of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes Press release
Researchers from the IAC discover that dark matter experiences forces beyond gravity Research news
The IAC shows the potential of the Canary Island Observatories at the American Astronomical Society meeting Press release
Astronomers catch unprecedented features at brink of active black hole
El ministro Óscar López conoce de primera mano el avance del proyecto ‘Redundancia de la red óptica RedIRIS del IAC’
The IAC discovers a planetary nebula that destroyed its solar system Press release
The CTAO becomes a European Research Infrastructure Consortium Press release
El IAC dedica a La Palma su revista monográfica Paralajes
El IAC recibe el agradecimiento del Cabildo de Tenerife por su apoyo en la protección de la pardela cenicienta
The IAC puzzle out how the icy objects beyond Neptune give us clues about the formation of the Solar System
Dissecting light bridges: the stratification of their physical properties in geometric height Research news
La Laguna acoge la reunión anual del consorcio científico SPECULOOS, con la participación de Didier Queloz
The Sunrise III mission obtains data from the Sun with unprecedented resolution in space and time Press release
A team of astronomers finds clues on the magnetism of a new kind of M dwarf Press release
Astronomers detected a burst caused by a black hole swallowing a star Press release
The role of active galactic nucleus feedback on the evolution of dwarf galaxies from cosmological simulations: Supermassive black holes suppress star formation in low-mass galaxies Research news
IAC researchers find that the stars in Omega Centauri move under the action of a cluster of black holes Press release
The LPI project will explore new frontiers in quantum astronomy from La Palma
The IAC finds surprises in Spiderweb protocluster field Press release
Astronomers Release Massive Dataset to Accelerate AI Research in Space Science Press release
El IAC colabora con el programa África Canarias Challenge
Isabel Pérez Grandes visita el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
The Comité Científico Internacional (CCI) of the Observatorios de Canarias meets in La Laguna
First Scientific Results from WEAVE
The IAC is collaborating with NASA to detect a “baby planet” around a nearby star
New DESI Results Weigh In On Gravity Press release
The universal variability of the stellar initial mass function probed by the TIMER survey Research news
First Meeting of New IAC and CTAO Directors Marks Next Phase of Collaboration Press release
The IAC designs successfully the “brain” of the PLATO space mission, the satellite which will look for “other Earths”
El IAC lanza un estudio internacional sobre el pie diabético y busca personas voluntarias Press release
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias en Tenerife abre sus puertas a las visitas escolares
El IAC se suma a las Semanas de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Canarias 2024 Press release
Students from IES Viera and Clavijo, participants of the ESA CANSAT programme, visit the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC)
The IAC contributes its experience at the 4th Technical Conference of Knowledge Transfer Offices
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias participa en la Feria de la Ciencia de La Orotava Press release
Mapping the Magnetic Field in the Chromosphere of Solar Active Regions Research news
Claude Nicollier tells of his experience as an astronaut at the IAC Press release
El embajador de Japón en España visita el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
Several Neptune-like planets discovered in a theoretically barren region Press release
El Astrofest apaga todas las luces de El Paso para disfrutar del cielo estrellado
El IAC recibe este otoño a un nuevo grupo de personal investigador dentro del programa de Visitantes de Fundación Occident Press release
Jocelyn Bell, reconocida con la quinta estrella del Paseo de las Estrellas Press release
First Swiss austronaut Claudie Nicollier gives a talk on his experience at the IAC General
The IAC hosts a global meeting of the European project The Whole Sun, that aims to unravel the mysteries of the Sun Press release
Challenging the theoretically predicted mass-loss rate increase of blue supergiants in the bi-stability region of the stellar winds Research news
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias agradece el compromiso de la ciudadanía palmera con la protección de sus cielos
Constraints on the in situ and ex situ stellar masses in nearby galaxies obtained with artificial intelligence Research news
The European Solar Telescope project under review by an international team of experts Press release
The IAC is participating in the first European planetary defence mission Press release
The light from quasars, a key to the measurement of the expansion of the distant universe Press release
Valentín Martínez Pillet y Antonia Varela inauguran la XXV edición de la Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics
The Metal-Poor Edge of the Milky Way’s Thin Disk Research news
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the KU Leuven reneu their framework of cooperation Press release
The IAC and the European Solar Telescope Fundación Canaria sign the framework agreement to promote the construction of the European Solar Telescope Press release
The IAC is organizing the ‘XXXV Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics’ Press release
IAC scientists detect a ‘sub-Earth’ orbiting Barnard’s star, the nearest isolated star to the Sun Press release
Researchers from the IAC have discovered that dark matter experiences forces beyond gravity Press release
La investigadora del IAC, Adriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres Rodríguez, hija predilecta de Tenerife Photomontage
El Consejo Rector del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias propone a Eva Villaver Sobrino como nueva subdirectora del centro Press release
The SONG global network celebrates its first decade of scientific research with a conference in Tenerife Press release
The SONG global network is celebrating its first decade of scientific research with a conference in Tenerife. Press release
The President of the Cabildo of La Palma inaugurates the International Conference LSST@Europa 6 Press release
Asteroid reflectance spectra from Gaia DR3: Near-UV in primitive asteroids Research news
La Palma welcomes the Conference LSST@Europe 6, a front-line initiative in the exploration of the Universe Press release
The IAC will advise Puertos Canarios to reduce light pollution from their installations Press release
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, present during the formal awarding of the Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu qualification Photomontage
Regions where extremely young stars are forming have been found in very old galaxies Press release
The Solar System Group at the IAC discovers a new asteroid near the Earth Press release
The IAC hosts the second Solar MHD conference, an international meeting of experts in solar physics Photomontage
The IAC brings the universe closer to the participants at the TLP Tenerife Photomontage
Saharawi children enjoyed a cosmic day in Tenerife Photomontage
The IAC brings astronomy to the PHE Festival Photomontage
The IAC develops its first photonic chip for the astrophysical instrumentation Press release
The Roque de los Muchachos Observatory holds a new meeting with its neighbours in Garafía Photomontage
Grantecan helps solve the mystery behind some of the Universe's most powerful radio bursts Press release
"Galaxy Zoo: Euclid" seeks help in classifying galaxies Press release
The origin of the brightest stars in any Galaxy lies in stellar mergers Research news
Study reveals how binary stars change their stellar dance with age Press release
The new TST telescope at the Teide Observatory celebrates its First Light Press release
A study suggests that there are galaxies which might be older than the currently accepted age of the universe Press release
The IAC is celebrating 10 years of Educational Adventure in Astronomy Press release
Machine learning reveals the merging history of nearby galaxies Press release
Eccentric exoplanet reveals how hot jupiters form Press release
Astronomers observe differences in sunrises and sunsets on a distant world Press release
Reunión del director del IAC con el presidente del Cabildo de La Palma Photomontage
The "Nuestros Alumnos y el Roque de los Muchachos" programme receives unanimous high opinions from the schools of La Palma Photomontage
IAC Researcher Ignacio Ferreras is newly elected councillor of the European Astronomical Society Photomontage
The IAC hosts the meeting of the Research Advisory Commission Photomontage
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory successfully hosts the first CTAO school Photomontage
A Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray View of the Transient Sky Research news
Valentin Martínez Pillet takes office as Director of the IAC Press release
Cientos de personas acuden a las jornadas de puertas abiertas del Observatorio del Teide Press release
The IAC aims to illuminate the dark side of the universe with the UNDARK project Press release
IAC Researcher Begoña García new coordinator of the Network of Astronomical Infrastructures Photomontage
The IAC initiates its Office for the Transfer of Knowledge Photomontage
The Teide Observatory will hold its Open Days on 22nd and 23rd June Press release
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias celebra su XV edición del Día de Nuestra Ciencia
El IAC y la Fundación Occident consolidan su programa de Investigadores Visitantes Photomontage
El director de la Agencia Espacial Española, Juan Carlos Cortés, visita el IAC Photomontage
The agreement for the construction of the ANDES instrument on the ELT is signed Press release
Baryonic properties of nearby galaxies across the stellar-to-total dynamical mass relation Research news
ANTONIA VARELA: “La Medalla de Canarias me permite poner el acento en lo que importa: seguir hablando del cielo, de igualdad y de comunicar la ciencia” Interview
El IAC celebra el Día de Canarias Photomontage
The IAC moves towards becoming a global benchmark in the manufacture of optical elements Photomontage
Astronomers discover one of the closest potentially habitable exoplanets to Earth Press release
First Euclid results dazzle scientific community Press release
Astronomers discover Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting ultra-cool star Press release
Astronomers spot a giant planet that’s as light as cotton candy Press release
Evidence for inflows and outflows in the nearby black hole transient Swift J1727.8-162 Research news
The IAC brings astronomy closer to the young public at the Canary Islands Mini Fairs 2024 Photomontage
Researchers show that the shape of the Whirlpool galaxy has been molded by the repeated passage through its disc of a satellite galaxy Press release
Antonia Varela, Canary Islands Gold Medal 2024 Photomontage
Eva Villaver, winner of the Spanish Geographical Society Research Award 2023 Photomontage
The ALISIO-1 satellite shows its efficiency in following the eruptions of the Mexican volcano Popocatépetl Press release
XVII aniversario de la Declaración Starlight en Defensa del Cielo Nocturno Photomontage
An honorary prize from the American Astronomical Society remembers solar physicist Irene González Hernández Photomontage
Hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains as a carrier of unidentified IR bands in planetary nebulae Research news
The Centre for Astrophysics on La Palma is renamed “Francisco Sánchez” in honour of the founder of the IAC Press release
The mystery of the fullerenes in space explained Press release
Astronomers find evidence that blue supergiant stars can be formed by the merger of two stars Press release
Astronomers confirm a new “Trojan” asteroid that shares an orbit with Mars Press release
Teacher training at IACTEC: proyect Planet Change General
La Caixa Foundation awards 5 research grants for doctoral and post-doctoral projects at the IAC Photomontage
IAC astrophysicist Arianna Di Cintio receives the Junior Research Award at ULL's Institutional Day Photomontage
El IAC da pasos firmes en su compromiso continuo con la Igualdad Press release
Expo at IACTEC: Clemencia Hardisson General
The Museum of Science and the Cosmos hosts the Forum of Women Scientists and Technologists of the Canary Islands Photomontage
The IAC hosts the meeting of the NEOMIR mission that will boost the early detection of asteroids. Photomontage
IAC Deputy Director Casiana Muñoz Tuñón receives the Bandera de Andalucía Award Photomontage
CARMENES exoplanet hunter scientific meeting Photomontage
Astronomers observe the effect of dark matter on the evolution of the galaxies Press release
First observations of the Canary Islands satellite ALISIO-1 from space Press release
LIOM, the IAC's technological laboratory for finding life beyond the Solar System Press release
El IAC y el Ayuntamiento de La Laguna fomentan la calidad del cielo Photomontage
Sixth edition of "Talk to Them: Women in Astronomy" and other initiatives to celebrate the Day of Women and Girls in Science Press release
The IAC hosts the annual meeting of the DALI experiment to search for dark matter Photomontage
The light pollution in Macaronesia is on the increase Photomontage
MIT Astronomy Field Camp returns to the Teide Observatory Photomontage
A novel code for exploring the magnetic field of the solar corona Photomontage
Scientific results with the QUIJOTE-MFI wide survey: The anomalous microwave emission in our Galaxy and M31 Research news
El Consejo Rector del IAC nombra a Valentín Martínez Pillet futuro director del centro Press release
Astronomers discover that the first galaxies had very different shapes to today's galaxies Photomontage
Astronomers make a significant advance in our knowledge of the asteroids nearest to the Earth, the Arjunas Press release
Observers measure how Andromeda’s central black hole is fed Press release
Nube, the almost invisible galaxy which challenges the dark matter model Press release
Calendario astronómico de 2024 Photomontage
LST-1 telescope on La Palma detects the most distant quasar at very high energies Press release
The "Visiting Researchers" programme of the Occident Foundation strengthens the commitment to attract prestigious scientific personnel to the IAC Photomontage
New Director of the Museum of Science and Cosmos Photomontage
An asteroid is named after the Jesuit Juan Casanovas, founder of the Solar Physics group at the IAC Photomontage
Gemínidas en defensa del cielo nocturno Press release
El IAC envía al Espacio el primer satélite canario Press release
A huge stream of stars is discovered in the Coma cluster Press release
The synchronized dance of a system of six planets is revealed Press release
Closing of the IAC Winter School 2023 Photomontage
Official inauguration of the educational project CosmoLab 2023-2027 Photomontage
Astronomers find the key for detecting the largest structures in the early universe Press release
IACTEC and the prompt detection of a diabetic foot Press release
On the magnetic nature of quiet-Sun chromospheric grains Research news
Carmen del Puerto receives the outreach award at the Villa de La Orotava Science Fair Photomontage
US ambassador visits the IAC headquarters Photomontage
The JWST view of the barred galaxy population in the SMACS0723 galaxy cluster Research news
Public talk: The Milky Way and its impacts with other galaxies Photomontage
Discovered: the most distant barred spiral galaxy (until now) Press release
Euclid release its first images: the dazzling edge of darkness Press release
A conference celebrates 60 years in astrophysics by IAC researcher John Beckman Photomontage
The Local Group as a benchmark for Galaxy Evolution, on IAC Winter School Press release
The President of the Canary Islands Government visits the IACTEC Photomontage
Starmus premieres documentary and announces a special edition of the festival on La Palma Photomontage
Meeting in La Palma of the International Scientific Committee of the Canary Islands Observatories Photomontage
The countdown for the launch of ALISIO-1 has begun Press release
Un mapa para recuperar la noche Photomontage
William Herschel Telescope inaugurates its new WEAVE spectrograph Photomontage